
Financial Support

The Ann Marie Harding Financial Support Program

Financial Support Program Letter and FAQ (PDF)

One of our priorities at Montessori Academy of London is to make world-class, accredited Montessori education accessible to London-area families. Recognizing that tuition increases are necessary and the primary source of revenue for the school, we want to offer support to families that are committed to MA and the Montessori approach, but for whom the tuition increases have made that commitment to our program difficult.

All Montessori Academy families who are currently enrolled in Toddler through Junior High are eligible to apply for financial support; families must demonstrate financial need. The confidential application process is administered by a third-party provider, Apple Financial Services, which reviews all applications and makes recommendations for the distribution of funds.

The application deadline for Financial Support for the 2024-2025 School Year is Monday, Jan. 8, 2024.

To request a bursary, please go to Apple Financial Services and follow these steps:

To apply, visit the Apple Financial Services website.

If you have any difficulties uploading your tax information, it can be marked “to be mailed”, and the process will continue. You will need to mail out these documents within 48 hours. If you are not able to use the online process there is an option to download a PDF form which must be mailed to Apple Financial along with the required documents.

To obtain more information on the Ann Marie Harding Financial Support Program, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 519-433-9121, ext. 211, or e-mail Victoria Little at

Financial Support Testimonials

“My family and I have been fortunate enough to be a part of MA’s financial support program multiple times now. With the changing of things in the economy and our finances, having the assistance of this program has benefitted us immensely. It has allowed us the coverage that we needed to ensure that our children could receive this awesome education, without the stress of falling short. The process of applying was thorough, but very smooth, and the response quick. We are extremely grateful for it!”


“Our son has attended the Montessori Academy of London for six years.  We have applied and received funding for his tuition for the past 4 years. We have two children with special needs, and the government programs and funding has been inconsistent and every changing, making it an unreliable source of support.  The total cost for both sons treatment needs (more for the younger one who cannot attend Montessori as he is non-verbal) approaches $60,000-$80,000 a year, and within a few months we will be receiving no support from the government as we re-join a waiting list for needs based testing that could be months or years before we are processed, and that assumes no changes after the upcoming provincial election. The support we have received over the years has been quite helpful, and it has allowed us to keep our son in Montessori, where he can thrive.  We are excited to see the Matching Gift Fund proposal, and we hope others can have the positive experience we have had in that regard. Thank you for your time.”


“If it wasn’t for the financial support I don’t think we would be able to have our children attend Montessori. This support has helped families like ours to provide the best education for our children. We hope this support continues for many more years to come.”


“Our family values so closely align with the Montessori philosophy, and we know that Montessori Academy of London can provide the most beautiful and supportive environment for our children. With help of the Financial Support Program, we are able to make our dreams of sending all three of our children to MA a reality. We are forever grateful to be able to send our children to a school where we know they can follow their own interests, be challenged where they need to be, and receive guidance to learn to cope with the unexpected. The Financial Support Program is true blessing to our family and we don’t know where we would be without it. “