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Amazing messages as Junior High wraps up their Amazing Races

The Junior High teachers wrapped up their Amazing Race project with a HUGE surprise for the students. For the last month the students individually designed an entire season of the Amazing Race Canada including all of the routes, challenges, and even travel costs! Such a cool project deserves a cool celebration when it’s all done…and we did just that! Dave from Season 1 of the The Amazing Race Canada (remember Dave and Jet?) showed up and surprised the students. He answered a lot of questions about his time on the show and stayed long enough to take pictures, chat with the students, and sign all of their projects!

But wait! There was one more surprise! We reached out to Kenneth and Ryan, Team Give’r from last season, and they were really excited to hear about the projects! So much so that they sent over a video message especially for our students. You can watch it here:

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