COVID updates – Sept 24, 2020
Dear MA Families,
We’ve received more updates and clarifications on our COVID processes.
1) Updated 9/24/2020: If a sibling or parent is sick…
- If one child has COVID-19 symptoms and fails the screening, only the child that has COVID-19 symptoms will be required to stay home from school (NOT the sibling as well). However, if the child that has symptoms does not get tested for COVID-19 or does not receive an alternative diagnosis from their Health Care Provider, all other children and household contacts are excluded from school for 14 days from the day symptoms started.
- If there are multiple children in one household that are symptomatic and awaiting COVID-19 test results at any one time, all children in that household should remain at home until test results are back. If one child has already been cleared to return to school and a sibling develops symptoms after that, only the symptomatic child would be required to stay home from school.
- If none of your children have COVID-19 symptoms, but someone in the household does, the children DO NOT need to stay home from school. While testing is pending for the household member that has COVID-19 symptoms, your children can continue to go to school. However, if the household member that has symptoms does not get tested for COVID-19, all household members are excluded from school for 14 days from the day symptoms started.
2) COVID-19 FAQ for Parents of School-Aged Children
The FAQ document linked below has been approved by MLHU, Children’s Hospital, and Southwestern Public Health and reflects practice in the public boards.
Please note the PDF downloads automatically on a desktop computer:
3) Update: For Toddler/Casa Families
Our CCEYA Program Advisor has provided the go-ahead to use the same questions as the provincial screening tool that our Elementary students use, for our youngest students as well. It provides more clarity around symptoms that parents may see in their children but may not be COVID-related (ie. pre-existing conditions, seasonal allergies). This has been automatically updated in your daily Classroom Screening Google Forms.