Delayed start update – Jan. 21, 2021
Dear MA Families,
Minister of Education Stephen Lecce announced yesterday, January 20, 2021, that most school boards, including the Thames Valley District School Board will continue with remote learning. We have not yet received any communications from the Private Schools Division, but at this point we are assuming, our Elementary and Junior High students will not return to in-class learning on January 25, 2021.
We have not been provided any information or clarity as to when in-class learning will resume. We do not know if independent schools will, at some point, be able to continue school under the same parameters that allowed us to start school on time in September, while the public system delayed their start by three weeks.
We are expecting more information, but at this point have not received any, which means we don’t have anything more we can share with you.
We understand how challenging this situation is for our families to manage. We understand the need for you to work from home, while supporting your child with their home based learning is very demanding as you try to wear so many hats. It is not easy for anyone. Many of our staff are also in the exact same position.
We know you are frustrated. We know you are running out of patience with so many unknowns and so are we. Every single Elementary and Junior High teacher at this school would choose to be in their classroom with your children if they could. But we can’t, and so, unfortunately, we wait until we know more. As soon as we have additional information to share or if a different directive comes from the Private School Division, we will let you know.
In case you didn’t get a chance to hear one of the world’s bright minds yesterday at the U.S. Presidential Inauguration, I will leave you with the words of poet Amanda Gorman:
For there is always light,
If only we’re brave enough to see it,
If only we’re brave enough to be it.
Be well,
Tina Sartori, Executive Director