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Montessori Buzz – Dec. 19, 2023

Dear MA Families & Friends,

Our Winter Concert is tonight!

Our students in Casa through Junior High have been practising regularly in preparation for tonight’s performance. Please bring your performers to the venue for 5:30 p.m. The concert will start at 6 p.m.

There is parking in various lots close to Centennial Hall, including:
  • Central High School
  • under City Hall (paid lot)
  • St. Peter’s Cathedral (paid lot)
  • Canada Life lot to the left/north of the venue – available starting at 4:30pm

NOTE: There are no after-school Extended Hours on Dec. 19 for Casa-JH. However, there will be after-school care for Toddler students.

Friendly reminder to bring cash for the Micro-economy sales

As a part of the Micro-Economy program at Junior High, the students will be selling Hot chocolate mix, Cookie mix, and festive signs. We would really appreciate it if you could bring some cash to buy some of these items. We only accept cash. Thanks!
~ The Micro-economy Committee

Winter break

The school will be closed Monday, Dec. 25, through Friday, Jan. 5. Our first day back is Monday, January 8. We hope the break provides you the perfect amount of rest and activity to fill your cup!

Spirit Wear is in!
We’ve just received our Spirit Wear orders; they will be sent home with your children this week.

Admissions Reminders

Financial Support Applications

Applications for Financial Support for the 2024-2025 school year are now available and are due by Monday, Jan. 8, 2024.  All families currently enrolled for the 2023-2024 school year are eligible to apply.  Full details on how to apply, along with a Financial Support FAQ can be found on the MA Parent Portal under the Resources section, or, on our website:

Sibling Applications

Applications to MA for siblings of current students are due by Friday, Jan. 12, for the 2024-2025 School Year.  If you would like to submit an application for a child in your family, please login to the MA Parent Portal.  The online application can be found in the Resources section. Offers of Admission for siblings of current students will be provided shortly after re-enrolment closes in February.  Please feel free to contact Victoria with any questions: or 519-433-9121 ext. 211.

Photos from the week

Sewing in Casa

Sewing is all the rage in Waterloo Casa. They can’t get enough of it; even the little students who aren’t quite ready to handle a little needle and thread are enjoying this practical life skill. Video content on Instagram:

UE reading time…

It’s lovely to see our students enjoying a book! Our Upper Elementary Language program is designed to cultivate a keen sense of literacy in students and enable them to become effective communicators with efficient comprehension skills.

Congratulations, Year 6 Babysitters!

By Brynne and Juliet
Babysitting was a very interesting subject to learn about which Kristen taught us. The Grade Sixes of 2023-2024 learned so much that not a single one of us failed the pre-test!
  • Becoming a Successful Babysitter: we discussed what a parent is looking for in a babysitter and what you should know before accepting the job and completing it.
  • Caring for Babies (3 to 12 months): we learned how to burp babies, change their diapers, dress them, put them to sleep and feed them. We also learned their characteristics.
  • Caring for Toddlers (1 to 2 years): we discussed what foods toddlers like, teething, shyness, sleeping and bathing.
  • Caring For Preschoolers (3 to 5 years): we learned about what sort of things might happen at night. Some problems we might encounter included nightmares, bedwetting, and sleepwalking. We also learned what to feed children of this age, and their characteristics.
  • Caring for School-Aged Children (6 and older): In this chapter we discussed mealtime foods, outdoor play and pedestrian and bicycle safety.
  • Behaviour and Misbehaviour of Children: we learned how to deal with children that are just in a bad mood. We learned about behaviour problems from temper tantrums to sibling rivalries and how to stop them.
  • Handling Emergencies: we discussed how to deal with emergencies that included thunderstorms, tornadoes, fires, intruders, earthquakes, high winds and children locked in bathrooms. Hopefully we’ll never have to deal with these emergencies but better safe than sorry!
  • Caring for Sick and Injured Children: we learned what to do if we have to care for a sick and injured child. One prominent thing we learned is that we never have to say yes to a babysitting job we aren’t comfortable with.
  • Prevention and Basic First Aid: we discussed injury, including: falls, bumps and bruises, cuts and scrapes, burns and their degrees, electric shock, poisoning, animal bites, clothing being caught on fire, choking, drowning, and prevention of some of them and what to do if any occur. We also covered basic First Aid.
We also had some really fun classes where we brought in dolls to learn how to do diaper changes and we got to meet a real baby. In conclusion, babysitting was a great experience, and we hope that everyone shares our fun experience.
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