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Montessori Buzz – Feb. 19, 2019

Reminders, Valentine activities and more

Dear MA Families & Friends,

Last call: 2019-2020 Re-Enrolment

Re-Enrolment for the 2019-2020 school year was due last Friday.  If you have not yet completed your child(ren)’s re-enrolment for September 2019, please complete the online form immediately and submit all supporting documents to the Main Office.  MA cannot guarantee placement after the deadline as there are applicants waiting for space at the school.

Reminder: Boler Tubing Night on Feb. 27

Don’t forget the deadline for Boler Mountain Tubing is this Friday, February 22. Spaces are still available for this super fun night out!

  • Wednesday, February 27
  • 6:00 – 9:00 pm
  • 689 Griffith Street, London, Ontario
  • Tickets $25 each

Board games, hot chocolate and Teacher Parties – oh my! Got questions?  Please contact Melissa Parker at

Multicultural lunch – Deadline extended to Friday!

On Monday, February 25, Upper and Lower Elementary students can participate in a special international themed lunch delivered by the Lunch Lady — The deadline has been extended to this Friday, Feb. 22.

Gluten free options:  please email the Lunch Lady directly to request a gluten-free pasta with either a butter and parm or tomato sauce.

A portion of each order comes back to the school to support our fundraising efforts.


Phys Ed. updates!

Senior Basketball

Both teams are excited to play their first games of the season. The girls start today at St Marguerite d’Youville, and the boys are at Monsignor Bruyere on Wednesday. Also, the first tournament of the year is quickly approaching; both teams will play on Friday, March 1, at Mother Teresa High School. Details are posted on the Junior High website.

Junior High Curling

Year 7 students will have an in-class curling demonstration on Tuesday, February 26, and then take part in the real thing on Wednesday, February 27, at the London Curling Club from 9:15 am-12:15 pm.

Junior Hockey

Hockey begins this week with a game against Matthews Hall on Wednesday morning at Carling Arena. Game time is 8 am!

Junior High phys ed
Our JH students went skiing last week and helped their younger peers during their phys ed classes.

Valentine celebrations around the school

Casa … Casa 3 enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day with their friends! Each child made a handmade card and then they had a turn choosing one to take home! In Waterloo Casa, our students made one special homemade card for a friend at school. These cards are filled with so much love. It’s a very special tradition to make and receive these lovely cards. We love delivering them in our Valentine circle.

At Westmount Casa, each child brought in his or her favourite fruit on Valentine’s Day!  As a class, we all came together and prepared our “Friendship Fruit Salad”!  We shared a nutritious snack made with love.❣️

Elementary…. In Elementary, our students enjoyed a delicious boxed lunch prepared by their friends.

Junior High… A committee of Junior High students planned, organized and created a wonderful community Valentine Luncheon.


Junior High trip to Lucan

On February 8, Junior High participated in an interactive activity at the Lucan Area Heritage and Donnelly Museum. As a culmination of our study of the The Black Donnellys, we were able to experience and tour the area where a local famous tragedy occurred.

A special thank you to the volunteers of the museum and Holy Trinity Church (who fed us a delicious lunch).

Where in the world is MA?

Junior High teacher Ann sends her love from Florence, Italy, where she’s celebrating her birthday with her mother! Happy Birthday, Ann!

From the community

Soccer Summer camp
Find more details about these camps online:

Cottage Pottery Studio workshops
David Moynihan’s Cottage Pottery Studio has fun clay activities for parents and children!

Survey on independent education 

Our school has been randomly selected from a representative stratified sample to participate in a major research study that explores who chooses independent schools and why in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia. This is the first time such a study has been conducted on a national scale.

There are many myths around “private schools” that fuel negative stereotypes. By empirically addressing these misconceptions, this study seeks to strengthen public understanding of independent schooling.

Elements of this research will be published by David Hunt at Simon Fraser University and Dr. Deani Van Pelt at Cardus, a public policy think tank based in Ontario. Both papers will be peer reviewed, and given Cardus’ and Dr. Van Pelt’s track record, as well as increasingly widespread interest in the sector, considerable positive media coverage is expected upon release.

All participating schools and parents will remain completely anonymous, private, and confidential.

Here is the anonymous parent questionnaire link, which should take approximately 18 minutes to complete:

If you have any questions about this research, the study details, or have any comments to make now or at a later date, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Deani Van Pelt at 905-379-9438  or David Hunt at 778-808-4676

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