Montessori Buzz – Feb. 28, 2023
Dear MA Families & Friends,
Winter Concert is tonight
A friendly reminder that our Winter Concert is tonight at Centennial Hall starting at 6 p.m. Parents are responsible for picking their children up from school or extended hours and taking them to the venue for 5:30pm. Doors will open at 5:45pm. See you there!
Camp Discovery registration
Camp Discovery registration for returning MA Toddler and Casa students is now available through the MA Parent Portal. Login to the Portal to register for summer 2023!
Save the Date: Beach Day is March 9
Save the date for Beach Day (Jersey Day in Junior High) that is happening on Friday, March 9. As part of our Charitable Giving, will collect loose change in support of our good friends at Children’s Health Foundation.
MLHU vaccination suspension notices
Parents of students with outstanding vaccination records will receive a letter from the health unit this week noting the suspension deadline is March 22. Families wanting to submit their immunization records or needing to schedule an appointment should call MLHU directly at 519-663-5317.
Please note that there may be a processing delay between submitting the required material and the updating of the students’ files. From a recent Health Unit message to the school: “It is possible that there are names of students on this list who have followed up with the Health Unit and we just haven’t processed their records yet. The Health Unit is receiving a high volume of records by way of fax, emails, online updates, and paper records being dropped off. We just had a suspension date on Feb. 15 and have another one this Wednesday, March 1 so data entry for those schools is being prioritized first.”
Detailed information about the immunization and suspension program is available on the MLHU website: Because this is a MLHU initiative, we ask you to contact the Health Unit directly with questions.
What an MA-Zing event!
We did it! This past Saturday, over 300 people joined us in celebrating 55 years of Montessori Academy of London! Thank you everyone who attended, we hope you had a fantastic time and enjoyed all the spectacular performances. In addition to recognizing 55 years of Montessori education, thanks to you, the MA-Zing Circus raised over $30,000 for the Elementary Library renovation!
This MA-Zing event was only possible as a result of the incredible support from everyone in our community. Your silent auction donations, the sponsors, and volunteers – it all came together into a wonderful event!
The MA-Zing Circus is the only fundraiser of the year. If you were not able to attend the Gala and would like to support The Library Project you can donate online here All cash donations are eligible for a tax receipt; you can also pledge to give before June 30, 2023.
Video: What Does it Mean to Give?
For those who were not able to join us for Saturday’s truly MA-zing Circus event, here’s a video that does a spectacular job explaining what we’re raising money for this year and why. Take a look:
Photos from the week
Westmount Casa celebrating Montessori Week
With this being International Montessori Week, we decided to ask the children the question, “What does Montessori mean to you?” Many of the answers included, “The Montessori Cube,” “the Big Cube,” and “the Symbol of our Montessori School!” So today, we felt it was fitting to offer the Trinomial Cube as a piece of Pinning out work.
Casa 3: Montessori, a play in three acts
Perseverance… Concentration… Joy!
Lower 2 Timeline of Life
Zoe is working on her own Timeline of Life in Year 2 History.
UE math materials
Finding the square root of 1444!
Year 8 curling
As part of our Physical Education program, the Year 8 students went curling on Wednesday at the London Curling Club. They had an in-class session last Tuesday to learn the rules and strategies, and then they hit the ice, putting what they learned to the test! Everyone has a great time and learned a lot thanks to the volunteers from the Curling Club.
From the Community
London Public Library has March Break programming for children and families.
Summer Camps
Growing Chefs
Growing Chefs is hosting summer programming. Learn more on their website:
Royal City Soccer Club
The Royal City Soccer Club, a registered non-profit community organization, is proud to host their 31st annual popular grassroots summer soccer day camps. The program is designed to promote personal development, team building and of course, FUN! Uniquely designed to offer a soccer focus in the morning and a leisure swim with other organized activities in the afternoons to all children aged 5 to 13, the program operates during all weeks in July and August. Check out the website at for more information or call 1-800-427-0536.