Montessori Buzz – Feb. 4, 2020
2020-2021 Re-Enrolment is open!
Re-Enrolment for the 2020-2021 School Year opened last week on Friday! To secure your child’s place for September 2020, please login to the MA Parent Portal and complete the required online forms prior to Friday, Feb. 14, 2020.
All instructions, policies, and documents relating to Re-Enrolment for 2020-2021 can be found in the “Resources” section of the MA Parent Portal. As a reminder, the only items that must be submitted to the Main Office by the re-enrolment deadline are post-dated cheques for the balance of tuition. All other items are completed through the MA Parent Portal.
Official Receipts for 2019 Tuition
Official Receipts for 2019 tuition were sent home with students on Friday last week. If you have any questions regarding your receipt, please contact Victoria Little at 519-433-9121 ext. 211 or vlittle@montessori.on.ca.
LFP article: Sponsored content
Have you read our London Free Press article yet? We took this opportunity to reach the greater London community to share the many benefits of Montessori through sponsored content on the London Free Press website. Read the article here:
There are also three Facebook ads we are currently running to promote the story:
- https://www.facebook.com/101058622057/posts/10157196334162058
- https://www.facebook.com/101058622057/posts/10157196317162058
- https://www.facebook.com/101058622057/posts/10157196312862058
Please feel free to Share, “like” and “LOVE” these posts so even more people can learn about traditional Montessori education in London.
Reminder: Please do not block driveways on Piccadilly
For parents who pick up and drop off their children at Elementary, please be mindful of our Piccadilly Street neighbours’ driveways and avoid blocking or turning around in them. We have received messages from neighbours this past week who were frustrated about being blocked into their driveways, and are concerned about the poor flow of traffic closest to the school buildings. Please consider parking further down Piccadilly (away from the school) and walking with your children to your car.
Help us be good neighbours and demonstrate the courtesy, kindness, and empathy we seek to encourage in our children.
Radiothon for CHFhope on Friday
The school is proud to be a Community Sponsor of the Corus Radiothon for Children’s Health Foundation this year. Listen in on Friday!

SNOW Much FUN: Thank you, Gold Sponsors
Thank you to our Gold Sponsors! Because of you, or winter carnival will be “SNOW much FUN”
- Palasad: www.palasad.com
- Finan Swim School: www.finanswimschool.com

Find out more about our Winter Carnival online:
Reminder: Wristbands and tickets are now on sale at the Main Office. Westmount families can talk to Alaina about purchasing tickets or wristbands.

FYI: Ontario tax credit information
Sports updates
Junior Basketball
The Junior Basketball seasons wrapped up for the boys and girls in Upper Elementary last week. Both teams played 6 games and learned a lot as the season went along. The girls team carried 17 players, the boys team had 19 players. There was plenty of improvement in their shooting, passing and defense. Great work everyone!!
Junior Hockey
Our Junior Hockey season begins this week, it is open to all hockey/ringette players in Upper Elementary. We play the first game this Thursday, Feb. 6, at 8 am at Carling Arena and will follow for the next 3 Thursdays in February. Please check the Upper Elementary website for more details.
Senior Basketball
The Senior Basketball season is set to begin in two weeks. The girls play their first game on Tuesday, Feb. 18, at St Patrick’s in Lucan, and the boys visit Lucan on Feb. 19.
Westmount Toddler baking and tea time
The Westmount Toddler Class has begun hosting small “Tea Parties” during morning work time; everyone is invited to sit with a small china cup to practice using their beautiful manners saying, “more tea, please!” and “Thank you!” We have enjoyed tasting the different flavours we can brew – Apple Cinnamon is the current favourite!
We have been busy learning how to bake bread! With our 3 ingredient recipe, the toddlers have been sifting flour, pouring milk and Greek yogurt, and stirring to form a sticky dough. The dough is scraped into a pan, and placed in the oven to bake. We all enjoy the warm and cozy aroma of freshly baked bread filling the classroom!

Oxford Casa 3 Australia study
Last week our Casa 3 students started their continent study of Australia. One student spent all morning creating this beautiful map!

Oxford Casa 3 math and cooperation
Adults who visit our classrooms often comment on the peacefulness and calm. Well-planned work and material that engages children are hallmarks of traditional Montessori. In this photo two Casa students work quietly together on math work. Says Casa teacher Cathy: “It’s lovely to see such focus and cooperation.”

Adeleine’s battery collection… so far…
Year 4 student Adeleine received a shout-out this morning on Twitter for her great job collecting used batteries. Check out her battery count so far. Bravo, Adeleine!

Where in the world is MA?
Alex and Michael have enjoyed a 4-day trip to Ottawa. They skated several times on the Rideau Canal which is celebrating its 50th skating season; the canal itself is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Summer Camp information
FYI: Camp Discovery registration opens March 2
Online registration opens for both Camp Discovery Explorers (ages 2-3) and Camp Discovery Adventurers (ages 4-6) on Monday, March 2.
Want to know what the themes are for each session? Take a look through our Camp Discovery page of the school website for details: https://montessori.on.ca/programs/camp-discovery/
Watch for flyers for Explorers Camp and postcards for Adventurers Camp next week.
Save the Date: UE summer sport camp with Janet
This summer, Janet will be hosting a Summer Sports Camp for current Upper Elementary students (Grades 4-6). The camp will run during the weeks of July 13 and July 20 (two one-week sessions) from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. There are no Extended Hours for this program.
Sports and activities will include basketball, volleyball, soccer, dodgeball and floor hockey. The camp will use our Colborne St. Gymnasium and Piccadilly Park. Each camper will receive a basketball with Registration… Registration will open the first week of March — link will be provided in the Buzz that week. It will be open to the public, so students can bring their friends! Cost is $215 per one-week session.
Summer Camp Open House is Thursday

From the Community
Fanshawe Pioneer Village – Winter Wonderland on Saturday
Winter is here and the village is decorated for the occasion! Pull-on your winter gear and enjoy the snow with us. Take a wagon ride around the village. Stop by Elgie Log House to see trees being tapped and enjoy the smells of maple syrup then see chestnuts being roasted on an open fire at Jury House.
Visit our Instagram Stop to take a photo on our sleigh.
The Pioneer Village Cafe will be taken over by Growing Chefs! Ontario during Winter Wonderland! Remember to bring cash with you, they’ll be serving up soup and busicuits and will have soup and preserves available to purchase to bring home.
- Saturday, February 8, 2020
- 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- EVENT COST: $5 per person; $15 per family
See the Facebook event for more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1475622665945101/