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Montessori Buzz – Jan. 21, 2020

Tuition email arriving on Thursday

Please watch for an email message on Thursday with information on tuition for the 2020-2021 school year. FYI: Re-enrolment opens on Friday, Jan. 31, through the MA Parent Portal.

Friday is a PD Day

There is no school for the students. The Main Office will be open from 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. The office will be closed between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. If you need to stop by, please come between the hours mentioned. 

FYI: Parent Portal link on school website

You can now find a link to the MA Parent Portal on the school website under the Our Families

Reminder: Request for Prize Donations for Snow Much Fun Winter Carnival

At Snow Much Fun on February 23, we will be holding a raffle to raise funds to purchase new learning software and technology for the school – and to have fun! Tickets will be 2 for $5 or 5 for $10.  The goal is to have 5 children’s themed gift baskets as raffle prizes. Last Friday, parent reps sent out an email requesting donations of products for the prize baskets. Each level has been asked to collect donations of new products centered on a specific theme. The themes are:

  1. Lower Elementary –  Games Night
  2. Upper Elementary – Sports and Physical Activities
  3. Oxford Casa – Arts and Crafts
  4. Westmount & Waterloo Casa and Toddlers – Little Chef’s
  5. Junior High – Mad Scientist

We will collect donations until Thursday, January 23.  Please send any items you wish to donate towards the prize baskets by the end of this week. Thank you for your support!  

PD Day Camp: Family Karate this Friday

Family Karate is hosting a PD day camp at their new dojo at Sherwood Forest Mall. For more details and to register, visit: or call 519-471-5425.

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