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Montessori Buzz – Jan. 23, 2024

Dear MA Families & Friends,

Re-enrolment messages this week

It’s that time of year! Re-enrolment opens on Friday. Keep your eyes out for two important emails this week:
  • Wednesday afternoon – Tuition letter and school update from Tina. There’s a lot of important information in this message. Please take a few moments Wednesday afternoon to read through it.
  • Friday afternoon – Re-enrolment message with a link to the MA Parent Portal.

Reminder: Parking on Piccadilly

We are receiving numerous complaints with photos from our neighbours closest to the main office about blocked driveways. Please be mindful of where you are parking during pick-up and drop-off. We understand that parking is harder with snow, however, our neighbours have the right to come and go from their driveway without such disruptions.

Thank you for helping us demonstrate the grace and courtesy we instill in our students.

MA Day @ the Factory is Sunday!

Our MA Day at the Factory is coming up! There are two ways to get your tickets this week:
  1. Buy your Factory Pass TODAY at the Front Desk until 4 p.m. for MA Day at the Factory THIS Sunday.
  2. If you don’t have the chance to stop by the office on Tuesday, you can still buy your discounted tickets online here:
For more information, contact Tonya Dendrinos at  or 519-433-9121 ext. 233.

Add the Buzz to your safe-sender / contacts

In early February, you may start to see the Buzz filter into your JUNK/SPAM folders. Gmail and Yahoo! Mail (and all related email domains, like AOL) will route bulk emails that do not meet the best practice requirements to “Junk” and “SPAM” and/or reject the emails outright. The Admin team is making changes on our backend to help avoid this, however, if you notice that you are not seeing the Buzz on Tuesdays around 3:30pm, please check your Junk folders and mark us as “not spam”. The Bulk email address to save is Thanks!

Photos from the week

Toddler sing-along: Instagram video link

This video is so sweet. A beautiful moment when one of our toddler students lead a song in circle. Montessori prepares children for life by guiding them to develop into confident, successful, and caring adults who become engaged members of their communities.

Amazon rainforest lessons

There’s been lots of excitement in Casa 2 as we’ve studied the Amazon Rainforest. We tested our senses by smelling and sampling tropical fruits and are now creating beautiful Kapok tree collages.

Hot chocolate on a chilly day!

Last week, Casa 3’s senior Casa students learned how to make hot chocolate. There is nothing better on a cold winter’s day than some hot chocolate and marshmallows with a friend!

UE Lessons

Year 4 students created beautiful Mayan mosaic masks for their history study last week. In the Upper Elementary program, students examine the progress of various civilizations with respect to the level of influence and contribution they’ve had on future generations.
Year 5 students made donuts after writing advertisements for language studies. The Upper Elementary Language program is designed to cultivate a keen sense of literacy in students and enable them to become effective communicators with efficient comprehension skills.

FYI: PD Day Camps – Friday, Feb. 16

Our friends at School of Hip Hop and The Academy Circus are hosting PD Day Camps on Friday, Feb. 16, for our students. Find more information through their links.

March Break Camps info soon

We’re also gathering information on some March Break Camps and will share that information soon.

From the community

Online parent session: Big Feelings: A Parent Skills Workshop

Attuned Families is offering a workshop online, “Big Feelings: A Parent Skills” on February 1 & 2, 2024 9:30am-4:00pm. Find details online: Reach out to Attuned Families directly with any questions:
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