Montessori Buzz – Jan. 28, 2020
Re-enrolment opens this Friday, Jan 31
Re-Enrolment for the 2020-2021 School Year opens this Friday, January 31 through the MA Parent Portal! Please watch your inboxes on Friday afternoon for instructions on how to re-enrol your child(ren).
2019 Official receipts for tuition
2019 Official Receipts for tuition will be sent home this Friday with the youngest/only child in your family. Please check your child’s blue bag and/or school bag on Friday to ensure that your Official Receipt is received.
Observation Week is coming up
Next week we welcome our Casa & Elementary parents into the classroom as part of our Observation Week.
Observation is significant because it is fundamental to the Montessori Method. It was through observation, a skill perhaps honed during her medical training, that Dr. Maria Montessori developed not only the philosophy for her method but specifically chose and created the materials she felt would be the most beneficial in each of the classrooms she would create. Dr. Montessori felt observation was so vital to her method that trainees studying to become Montessori guides devote hours completing their own observations of various classrooms during their courses, and it is a continued practice well into their careers.
This is an incredible opportunity for parents to gain a clearer picture on your child’s school day AND his or her Montessori education. More details will be shared with you through your classroom letters and parent reps.
SNOW Much FUN: Diamond Ice Sponsors
What is an event without great sponsors? Trick question… There wouldn’t be an event!
We are thrilled to announce our Diamond Ice Sponsors for our upcoming SNOW Much FUN Winter Carnival.
Thank you to…
- Beck Hearing Aids: https://beckhearingaids.com
- HRDownloads: www.hrdownloads.com
- Mercedes-Benz London: https://www.mercedes-benz-london.ca/

We are so grateful for their tremendous support of Snow Much Fun!
- Follow the hashtag: #snowmuchfunMA2020
- Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1094638780874970/
- More info is available on our website: https://montessori.on.ca/snow-much-fun/
Pssst… We’re on Instagram!

We are aware of concerns about the Novel Coronavirus, and have been assured by the Middlesex London Health Unit that, in essence, “healthy people are essentially zero risk.” Therefore we ask parents to continue to adhere to our Illness Policy that was updated recently (PDF). and keep children home when they have a fever. (The updated Illness Policy chart is also available on the MA Parent Portal under Policies.)
Families who have returned from recent international travel, with history of travel to affected area and become ill with respiratory signs and symptoms such as cough and fever, please contact the Middlesex London Health Unit if any family members develop a fever.
To reduce the risk of transmission of the flu and respiratory illness:
- wash your hands often
- avoid contact with people who are sick
- practise proper cough and sneeze etiquette (“Sneeze into your sleeve”)
More information on the virus can found on the Ministry of Health’s website: https://www.ontario.ca/page/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov
FYI: March Break Camp @ Family Karate
Family Karate has confirmed that they will be hosting March Break camps for both weeks of the MA March Break. For more details on the camp or to register, visit http://familykarate.ca or call 519-471-5425.