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Montessori Buzz – Jan 28 – Great news

Dear MA Families & Friends,

A couple of updates below….

Message from Tina: We’re back in school on Monday!

Dear MA Families, 

I am thrilled to share with you that all of our Elementary and Junior High students will be returning to class on Monday, February 1! We can’t wait to welcome them back to our spaces. Please be aware of the additional protocols that have been put into place for this return:


  • Children over the age of 2 to third-year Casa are encouraged to wear masks.
  • Staff are required to wear masks outside if physical distancing can not be maintained.
  • Daily screening results of both students and staff are to be recorded by 8 a.m. and validated by the school. (Please note: this is not new for us, we have done this since the start of school.)


  • Daily self-screening of students using the provincial online COVID school screening tool 
    • At this time, the school is not required to track the results for our Elementary and Junior High students (whereas secondary schools do), however, this self-screening must be completed every day before arriving at school.
  • Mandatory masking for students in Years 1 – 8 and outdoors if distancing can’t be maintained. Reasonable exceptions on the requirement to wear masks will apply.  
  • Students are encouraged not to congregate with any other students outside their cohort outside of school hours.  

I also implore you to keep up the hard work of listening to and complying with all of the guidelines that the province and the MLHU have put in place to keep us and our school community healthy. Aside from case counts, the higher concern is the new variant that is now spreading. 

We are very aware of the impact this delayed start to in class learning, from the winter break has had on our Elementary and Junior High students. We are in the process of looking at opportunities to increase instructional time in the months that are left and once we have this confirmed, we will share this with the community in the Buzz next week.

Thank you for your continued patience and support over the last several weeks. We see you, we hear you, we understand the struggle it has been, but also the opportunities it has provided. The resilience of our students is inspiring and drives us forward. Brighter days are coming. Literally, we are gaining more minutes of daylight each day, so let that light shine through. 🙂  

See you Monday!! 

Tina Sartori, Executive Director

Moving Up Information for September 2021

On Monday, Moving Up information was emailed to families who have a child moving to a new level in September 2021. If you have a child moving up but did not receive an e-mail message, please check your junk mail folder. You may also contact  for a copy of the message for your child. 

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