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Montessori Buzz – Jan. 5, 2021

Dear MA Families & Friends,

Moving Up tours postponed until Saturday, Jan. 30

Unfortunately, we have to postpone our on-site tours for parents with children moving up to a new level in our school. The new date for our parent tours will be Saturday, January 30. Watch for an email next week with a link to a signup form to select your preferred time of day to tour of your child’s future classroom. 

Reminder: Office now closes at 4:15 pm 

Friendly reminder that the Office will close at 4:15 p.m. starting this week. You can still call the school and direct your call through the office phone tree.  

Growing Chefs monthly menus on portal

The Monthly menus for Toddler/Casa and Elementary are now available on the Resource Boards.


Westmount Toddlers built a snowman on Monday!

The Westmount Toddlers have been talking about all things snow! They had lots of fun on the first day back from holidays building a snowman!

First day back – Waterloo Casa

In case you missed it on Instagram: our Waterloo Casa students kicked off the New Year back in their classrooms – concentrating hard on their work. 

UE chemistry projects

The Upper El students were working on their chemistry projects before the break. 

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