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Montessori Buzz – January 3, 2022

Dear MA Families and Friends,

To say the last few days have been a whirlwind is an understatement. With the announcement today, this only impacts our Elementary and Junior High Students. Toddler and Casa students will return to school on Tuesday. Elementary and Junior High students will move to online classes Wednesday. Our skating event at Storybook Gardens will be rescheduled based on availability.

Toddler & Casa Families

  • Masking
Any of our Intermediate or Senior Casa students must be wearing masks at school and we strongly encourage our First-year Casa students to wear them as well. We want to do all we can to keep our students and staff healthy, and wearing masks indoors is one of the key elements to our risk mitigation.
  • Screening 
The screening tool has been updated and is much more specific based on how you answer questions, including follow-up questions depending on how you answer the initial questions. Please ensure you’re screening your children’s symptoms closely, including runny noses: Please take your time filling in the screening form and read ALL the details that are provided based on how you answer the questions.
  • Isolation Time Frames – 10 Days vs 5 Days 
The information that was in the Buzz last Friday concerning isolation for 10 days was directly from our own health unit if there is a positive Covid case in the classroom. This is different than the current provincial guidelines. We’ve reached out to the health unit for clarification as their rules supersede the Ministry’s.
We have not received any updated guidance on how to manage a positive case in a classroom or what the process will be for the rest of the cohort, other than a communication on Friday from the Ministry stating full cohorts would no longer be dismissed. As soon as this is received, we will clarify and share these details.
  • Early and Extended Hours – occasional use not currently available
If your child is already registered for these programs, you are still able to access them, however we are not able to accommodate occasional use for the toddler/casa level at this time due to staffing required.

Elementary & Junior High Families

Staff will be onsite Tuesday to prepare and organize student belongings for online learning. The schedule will be very similar to what you experienced last June. You will get an email from classroom teachers by the end of the day Tuesday with more details. We realize for Year One’s Year Four’s and anyone new to elementary that this process will be new for you. Having patience and flexibility as we transition is important for everyone.  Items will be available for pick up by parents between 3 and 4pm at the following locations below.
  • LE 1- Your usual drop off and pick up door
  • LE2- Your usual drop off and pick up door
  • LE 3- The door that leads directly to the classroom from the courtyard
  • UE1- The front porch
  • UE2- The back door (by staff parking lot)
Please wear masks on site and provide distance to each other while waiting. Classes will begin on Wednesday.
Junior High parents will receive an email with specific pick-up details from Shawn.
I am fully aware that this shift to online comes with a whole host of emotions for our staff, students and families, and it is not where we want to be, but hopefully it will only be short term. As always, when we get any new updates or information, we will share it promptly with you. A staff member said to me today, “remember when the word pivot was funny because Chandler, Rachel and Ross were moving a couch up the stairs?” Gosh what I wouldn’t do to have those days back!
Be well,
Tina Sartori
Executive Director
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