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Montessori Buzz – March 22, 2022

Dear MA Families & Friends,

FYI: 711 Waterloo St. renovation plans delayed

It was our hope to complete a significant renovation this summer on the main and lower level of 711 Waterloo Street – our Elementary location – as well as some work to the LE1 learning environment. Unfortunately, this will not be able to happen for many reasons. None of this is surprising to me, based on what is happening in our community, as well as the city in general; and after hearing what both the concerns/challenges have been for the Cornerstone Architecture and Bronnenco Construction as noted below:

  • With this project we don’t have the luxury of time if work deadlines are delayed, and right now both companies already have significant delays with current projects on the go. Our project has a must-meet deadline for the return of students in September. Most of you may not be aware that with this last summer project of the Elementary Kitchen, it was also a challenge and it literally came down to the last day possible.
  • Cornerstone is struggling to get the mechanical and electrical engineers required.
  • Both companies had significant issues maintaining staff over the last 2-3 months with Omicron, putting them behind in current projects.
  • Both Cornerstone and Bronnenco are struggling to maintain the trade work required or even getting projects tendered with more than one quote. We need multiple for each trade on this project.
  • This 711 Waterloo St. project is too complex not to take the proper amount of time needed.

For these reasons, a new timeline of planning sessions will start in May with the goals of tendering the project in November/December and completing the work summer of 2023.

Fundraising that we have for this project will be carried over, and some of the items we wanted to purchase as Library upgrades will still happen (some new furniture, shelving units and technology) to keep the excitement for what is to come.

Although disappointing, I agree with everything that has been presented. Sadly, COVID strikes again.

What’s for Dinner Spring Edition

Our Spring What’s for Dinner Event is here! Proceeds from each order support both Montessori Academy of London and Growing Chefs!

These family-sized frozen entrees are perfect for busy families and made using wholesome ingredients. Don’t miss the spring special! Easter Egg Cookie Decorating Kit and delicious Carrot Cake – perfect for entertaining!

Online Ordering Opens TODAY.  Check out the amazing SPRING MENU and place your order online:

  • Order Deadline: March 30th, 2022
  • Pick Up Date: Thursday April 14th
  • Time:  Your selected time
  • Pick Up Location: Growing Chefs Headquarters – 460 King St. London, ON

Last call: Elementary Hot lunch for April-June due Friday!

This is a reminder that the deadline to order hot lunch for the remainder of the year is this Friday, March 25. After this date, the orders will be closed, and we will not be able to accept anymore. If you need assistance with ordering, please contact the Main Office before the deadline.

Please NOTE: Some items require you to select different options for the meal, so please read each item carefully, as the order will not be able to be adjusted after submission.

IMPORTANT: Please review your complete balance when you place your orders online at to ensure that everything is paid in full. Payments can be made online (after you submit, go to Home and click View Details to pay). Or, you can drop into the Main Office to pay by cash, cheque, Visa, MasterCard, Amex or Apple Pay.


MA’s Artisan Market 2022

Save the Date and Join us for our THIRD Artisan Market!

  • Date: Friday, May 27
  • Time: 3:30 pm until 8 pm
  • Location: Colborne St. United Church Gymnasium
    711 Colborne St, London, ON N6A 3Z4
  • Who: Everyone! This market is open to the community!

Call for Vendors! 

We are looking for Artisans and Local Small Businesses to participate as a vendor in our Artisan Market.  If you are interested in applying to be a vendor or would like more information about our upcoming Spring Artisan Market, please contact Tonya Dendrinos at

Our Plantables fundraiser

Back by popular demand! We are fundraising with Plantables again this year.  Order your plants and have them delivered to your home when planting season arrives. Proceeds from your order will support renovations to the school’s Library. Visit and use code MALONDON at checkout.


CHF Event: Beach Day/Jersey Day

For our CHF Event from before the break, the Toddler through Upper El students enjoyed wearing their beachy best for Beach Day. The Junior High students chose to wear their favourite teams’ jerseys for Jersey Day. Thank you to all of the families who donated spare change in support of Children’s Health Foundation.  We’ll share our Charitable Giving tally for this event once the JH CHF committee finishes accounting the donations.

Jersey Day


World Down Syndrome Day photos

Several classrooms around the school honoured World Down Syndrome Day yesterday by sporting fun and brightly-coloured socks, including Gage’s homeroom, UE2.

From the Community

Rotaract Juvenile Diabetes Camp

For the past 20 years, Western Rotaract has been organizing JDC for families who have children with type I diabetes in the London area. JDC has three goals: to educate, connect, and empower. These goals are reached through a series of interactive activities, workshops, and speaker sessions that will run throughout the day for both children and parents.

This year, we have magic as the theme of our activities! However, due to the uncertainties of the pandemic, we had to transition to a FREE online event that is taking place on March 26th via Zoom. We wanted to expand our engagement and attendees for our camp with non-diabetic children too. Should you find this of interest, please sign up here.

Summer camp options for older children…

  • Royal City Soccer Club
    • Uniquely designed to offer a soccer focus in the morning and a leisure swim with other organized activities in the afternoons to all children aged 5 to 13, the program operates during all weeks in July and August.  Register or check out the website at for more information or call 1-800-427-0536.
  • Growing Chefs’ Know Your Roots Summer Camp
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