News Archive

Montessori Buzz – March 28, 2023

Dear MA Families & Friends,

Reminders: Pick-up

We kindly ask parent to promptly move on after retrieving your child during pick-up so more families can access parking spots. We also appreciate your help in being good neighbours; please do not turn around in or block our neighbours’ driveways along Piccadilly.

Plantables sale in support of MA

Back by popular demand, we are participating in a Plantables sale again this year! Purchase your plants online today and have them delivered to your door when you are ready to start your garden. Proceeds from each plant sale support the school. Happy Planting!


Casa students visit the Sugar Bush

Our field trip to Kinsmen Sugar Bush before the March Break was a great success! The weather was perfect for touring the grounds and learning about how maple syrup is made. We learned about how First Nations people came to discover maple syrup with a historical display of how the tapping of maple trees and the process of making maple syrup has changed throughout the years.  This concrete display of making maple syrup started with seeing hot rocks being dropped into carved out logs filled with sap.  Our next stop was from the 1800’s where cauldrons were hung over outdoor fires which then took us to our present time of using flat pans and then evaporators to extract maple syrup. The children then enjoyed having pancakes with this delicious maple syrup!

Tasty lesson in Lower El 3

Before the March Break, the Year 2s in LE3 wrapped up their 6 Kingdoms unit by incorporating all of the Kingdoms onto a pizza!

Beach Day/Jersey Day!

One of our favourite days of the year is our CHF Event right before March Break – Beach Day/Jersey Day! Thank you to all of the families who donated spare change in support of our Charitable Giving. We’ll share the fundraising tally in an upcoming Buzz.

Casa 4 Ramadan celebration

It was wonderful to see everyone back from the break and hear all of the special stories from our friends. Today we began learning in class about the celebration of Ramadan.  The children were delighted to receive personalized crescent moon ornaments, and little gift bags to mark the beginning of this special Muslim holiday. A special thank you to the Taibah and Mohammed families for their true generosity and thoughtfulness.
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