Montessori Buzz – March 7, 2023
Dear MA Families & Friends,
CHF Event is FRIDAY!
Beach Day (Toddler-UE) and Jersey Day (Junior High) are this Friday, March 10! Our Junior High students can “sport” a jersey of choice, either their own or of their favourite sports player. Students in Elementary and Casa can dress in appropriate beach attire (no bathing suits) for an enjoyable “day under the sun.” The Junior High committee will be accepting loose change for the Children’s Health Foundation programs. Early this year, Pyjama Day produced $1,911.95 for the Expanding Creative Art Therapies to Child and Adolescent Mental Health. The money fundraised for Beach Day and Jersey Day will also go to these programs. Through our commitment to Charitable Giving, we are making a difference in the lives of children facing serious health issues. As a committee, we would love to see either the same amount or go above and beyond to allow kids in hospitals the opportunity to have these programs, transforming their healthcare experience. Remember every contribution counts!
Thank you for your continued support and participation!
Junior High CHF Committee
March Break closure
The school and main office will be closed throughout the March Break. Enjoy your two weeks off! We’ll see everyone on Monday, March 27.
PD Days and Holidays 2023-2024
- Sept 5 – First Day of School
October 6 PD Day – aligns with TVDSB
November 17 PD Day – aligns with TVDSB
December 22 – Last day of school before Winter Break
Winter Break 2023 – December 25-January 5
January 8 – First day back
February 16 PD Day
March Break 2024
Week 1 – March 11-15 – aligns with TVDSB
Week 2 – March 18
April 19 – aligns with TVDSB
May 17 PD Day
June 21 – Last Day of School
MA-Zing Circus Survey
We are looking for feedback from the attendees of the MA-Zing Circus! This is the first time we have done a large-scale, family-style Gala, and we would love your thoughts. This survey was sent by email to everyone who purchased tickets. If you did not receive the email, or had guests who attended on your behalf please forward the survey link to them. Please complete the survey before this Friday, March, 10.
We truly value your input and will use the information to plan future school fundraising events.
You’ve asked, and we’ve listened! Back by popular demand, we are participating in a Plantables sale again this year! Purchase your plants online today and have them delivered to your door when you are ready to start your garden. Proceeds from each plant sale support the school. Happy Planting!
Photos from the Week
Winter Concert!
Thank you to everyone for adjusting your schedules to attend Tuesday’s Winter Concert. What a fantastic and fun performance by our students!
Westmount Toddler
Thank you to our Westmount Toddler families for joining in our classroom fun during our Open Class this past Thursday!
Getting ready for Friday’s Beach Day
The Toddler 1 students have been enjoying some beach-themed work and activities this week in preparation for Beach Day on Friday!
Montessori Song in Westmount Casa
Westmount Casa capped off their Montessori Week celebrations with a song!
- Here’s the group:
- And here’s one of the rock stars at home performing a solo and acoustic set:
Casa 3 – Numbers & Counters
Here is a Casa student using numbers and counters to recognize odd and even numbers… The lesson and Montessori material allow the child to see that odd numbers do not have a partner.
Waterloo Casa’s study of Europe
Waterloo Casa wrapped up a study of Europe last week. We loved learning all about Italy, Maria Montessori, and the beautiful city of Venice. If you see us, ask us what we know!!
UE Baking and the fungi kingdom
Our Year 4 students in both Upper Elementary classes are baking bread as part of their study of the Fungi Kingdom! They are studying the Six Kingdoms of living organisms.
JH Boys’ volleyball win!
The JH Boys’ volleyball team had a very exciting win Monday night against St. Catherine of Siena! Great job, team!
From the Community
Margaret’s Legacy: Engaging in the Narrative to Restore Peace and Harmony in the World
The London community is invited to join the Thames Valley District School Board and Jewish London for a presentation by Margaret’s Legacy: Engaging in the Narrative to Restore Peace and Harmony in the World on Tuesday, March 21.
Margaret’s Legacy provides quality Holocaust education that encourages tolerance, inspires hope, builds leaders and nurtures healthy dialogue.
What: Margaret’s Legacy: Engaging in the Narrative to Restore Peace and Harmony in the World
When: Tuesday, March 21, 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Where: Jewish London (536 Huron St, London, ON N5Y 4J5)
Who: Students, families, staff and community members
Register online: