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Montessori Buzz – Nov. 19, 2019

Dear MA Families & Friends,

Early / Extended Hours Program – Occasional Use Invoices

This is a reminder that invoices for occasional use of the Early / Extended Hours program are sent home to participating families following the end of each month.  Invoices for October were sent home with students on November 8 and are due to be paid by November 22. If you have questions, please contact Victoria at 519-433-9121 ext. 211.  Thank you!  

Our Artisan Bazaar is Saturday! 

Join us for our second Artisan Bazaar on November 23! 

  • Saturday, November 23
  • 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • 742 Waterloo Street, Junior High & Specialties

For a list of vendors, check out our webpage: 

Our Junior High students will also be there selling their homemade creations: jams & jellies, baked desserts, decorated horseshoes, tie dye tee-shirts, stained glass and more!

Media Swap

In the Community Room in the lower level of Junior High, you’ll find our Media Swap where you can exchange your old books, CDs, DVDs, records, tapes for new to you finds! Don’t have something to swap? Purchase a ticket for $1 to buy an item!

Any remaining donations to the Media Swap will go to the Montessori Academy library and surrounding organizations.  


Our Junior High students will be serving up hot chocolate with proceeds supporting their entrepreneurial efforts!  Bring your own mug to save off the cost.

Rosie’s Streetery food truck will be in the front lot to serve up tacos, fries and coffee! 

This is also the day that holiday trees go on sale at the Colborne United Church! Pop by the church after the bazaar if you’re in the market for a tree!

Charitable Giving: CHF donations this year

Each and every year the adolescents of Montessori Junior High (with the input of the Children’s Health Foundation’s Erica More) run and coordinate efforts to raise money for the Children’s Health Foundation. This year we have chosen to contribute to buy one Toy Car (cost is $2,500) for the young patients in Children’s Hospital.  

The toy cars represent more than just a fun and novel way to get from Point A (play room) to Point B (operating room).  Positive coping is fostered by a sense of control. When we feel out of control, it’s more difficult to cope with stress. For children, this is amplified because often they do not have the life experience to know positive ways to cope. In the surgical environment, they are not able to eat or drink, they have to wear certain clothes, they are out of normal routines, they are in a new environment with new people and often their caregivers are nervous. These cars give control back to kids!  It allows them the choice of riding in their bed, or driving a Ferrari to the operating room, giving them control over an environment where they often feel out of control. 

Donations collected during PJ Day will support this initiative. If we surpass our goal of $2,500, we will support Ollie the Clown with the leftover funds. Learn more about Ollie through this link (PDF). 

The Champion kid this year is Joey Murray. At the young age of four, Joey was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. After many months of treatment, Joey  recovered. He is now the official mascot of the London Lightning basketball team. He is now nine years old, and is known for being a “ball of energy”, getting crowds excited. Learn more about the Champion Child for 2019 through this link to a Youtube video.

We can’t wait to see everybody in their pajamas on Friday!  Thank you for bringing in your loose change to support this goal.

~Junior High CHF Committee

Oxford Casa 3’s French Bistro

Casa 3 enjoyed learning about France this week by making some delicious crepes. 

UE Foodbank donations and sorting

In Upper Elementary we see the children develop a strong sense of justice and are highly focused on social skills. Further independence and responsibility is developed through class meetings and opportunities for community service that lead to practising more sophisticated leadership skills. One wonderful example of this is the Year 6’s trip to the London Food Bank. They take the non-perishable items donated during 1000 Acts of Kindness Month to the Food Bank and spend the morning sorting.

It’s rewarding work that provides them an opportunity to get involved in the community and gain a greater understanding of food insecurity in London.

Heartrise Children’s Yoga visits MA 

As part of our commitment to support organizations within the London community, we invite yoga teachers in training to work with our students for their student yoga practicum. These wonderful aspiring yoga teachers took their training through Devatree Yoga’s Heartrise Children’s Yoga Teacher Training program.  Last Friday, 9 yoga student teachers came to the school and work with our Year 3 to Junior High students. Our students thoroughly enjoyed their time with the yoga classes and it was a great break from their usual daily routine! 

Lower El’s 1000 Acts of Kindness delivery!

The Lower Elementary teachers delivered all of the donations their families provided in support of our 1000 Acts of Kindness to Merrymount Family Support & Crisis Centre on Thursday; the Centre’s staff was overwhelmed with the amount that we delivered, and so thankful! The Lower El teachers would like to thank their students and families for all of the amazing donations.

Learn Your Level – Elementary & Junior High math

Last Tuesday’s Elementary and Junior High Learn Your Level session was just a popular as the Casa session, and our parents were in awe of how we teach multiplication to the students in Elementary and Junior High. We even had quite a few Casa parents join us to follow the curriculum right to Junior High where they heard JH student Lily speak about math and that level.

This is one way that we are able to showcase to families the differences of Montessori versus conventional education. It truly highlights what makes Montessori so amazing!!

We added some photos from the Elementary and Junior High Learn Your Level session to the photo album: 

We thank our families for taking time out of their busy schedules to learn more about their children’s Montessori education. And we thank our MA-zing faculty who presented the material in these two engaging parent sessions.

Good listening: Montessori Education Podcast – Does Montessori make a difference?  

One of the best testimonials for Montessori education is to hear right from the students themselves. In this new podcast with Montessorian Jesse McCarthy, we hear from a former Montessori student, tech entrepreneur William Kelly, who attended a Montessori school in the States from age 3 through Junior High. (“The real-deal Montessori child” as McCarthy calls him!) 

Your investment in a Montessori education for your child will serve them for a lifetime. The podcast is about 40 minutes, but well worth a listen:

From the community

Just for Girls programs – Western Engineering

The Western Engineering Just for Girls program will be offered for seven Saturdays from January to February where participants in Grades 3-8 will have the opportunity to explore a different stream of engineering. For more information, please visit:

Growing Chefs! Ontario 2020 events

Some events from our good friends at Growing Chefs! Ontario starting in January:

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