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Montessori Buzz – Nov. 5, 2024

Dear MA Families & Friends,

We have had an enthusiastic response to the app launch last week, but we’re sending this last Buzz via email to catch as many parents as possible.

Last call: Journey to Discovery registration

We’ve had a great response to this very special event. There are still a few spots left for this year’s Journey to Discovery. We’ve condensed it into one evening – Friday, Nov. 15, which is also our next PD Day. 

  • Friday, Nov. 15, 3:30-9 p.m.
  • Junior High Building at 742 Waterloo St. & Downtown Locations
  • A light dinner will be served. 

The Montessori Academy teachers will guide you through the Journey to Discovery, a powerful, hands-on experience that lets you get to know your child’s world. Space is limited. Deadline to sign up is tomorrow – please contact Sara Heald if you’re interested in joining the Journey: 

Join us: Parent Coffee Hour!

We’re welcoming our parents for a morning parent social! Save the date for your level’s visit, and plan to pop by the Library at our Elementary location after drop-off. Reserve your spot through the links below. 

New this year: PJ DAY 2024 in support of ChildCan

PJ Day is Friday November 22! It is one of our Charitable Giving campaigns that supports our mandate of “children helping children.” Last Friday, Junior High welcomed Sarah and Suzanne from ChildCan who shared some background about their organization. 

Keep an eye and ear out for more details about the PJ Day event on Friday, Nov. 22! Learn more about ChildCan on their website:  

Junior High’s Acts of Kindness tally!

By Alex, Sebastian, Solana and Stella

This year, for our 1000 Acts of Kindness we collected socks for 519Pursuit for a charity initiative. Our original goal was 1000 pairs of socks and with support, we were able to blow that out of the water, finishing the month with 1,376 pairs! We would like to thank everyone who participated in bringing in socks and for your help in accomplishing this goal and helping those in need right here in London. 

Elementary Remembrance Day Assembly is Monday

Students in Elementary and Junior High will lead us through a lovely, respectful assembly to honour our Veterans. We hope to see you there! 

Thank you for completing the online form. If you are taking your child home directly from the Assembly, please make sure to let your teacher know as you’re leaving the Assembly.

November letters are ready… in the MA Parent App!

Please ensure you review your child’s November newsletter and calendar so you know what’s happening in your location. 

  • Tip: If you see about 20 letters under Classroom Newsletters, double-check your Subscriptions – under More… / Settings / Subscriptions (video link). If you’re unsure which classroom to subscribe to in the app, please check with your child’s teacher or ask your parent rep.

Haven’t downloaded the app and signed in yet?

We launched the MA Parent App last week. If you haven’t already downloaded the app and started using it for your November classroom information, we encourage you to do it ASAP so you don’t miss a thing! 


Photos from the Week

More photos are available on the MA Parent App! Be sure to check out the Galleries section. 

Casa 3 Parent-Child Class visit 

Our first Parent-Child class visit was a huge success! Thank you to the parents who could attend. The rest of the Casa classrooms are welcoming their parents this week.


Halloween was a blast as usual around the school. This collage is only a treat-sized taste of the amazing costumes we saw this year. Be sure to check out the Galleries in the MA Parent App for more photos from your classroom and a Buzz Halloween Gallery with more of the spooky fun. 

Happy Diwali! 

Thank you so much to all of the members of our community who led the students through lessons on Diwali. We are so grateful to have such a beautiful array of cultures and traditions represented within our school community – and that we are all able to learn from one another. 


From the Community

Our next PD Day on Nov. 15 aligns with TVDSB, so there should be plenty of PD Day Camp options available. Our good friends at School of Hip Hop are hosting a camp. Details below:

SHH PD Day Camp – Nov. 15

  • Hip Hop 101 Day Camp – try your hands at a little bit of DJing/beat making, graffiti, poetry & dance!
  • Friday, November 15th 2024 @ 9 AM – 4 PM (drop-off & pick-up to be arranged between 845-9 AM / 345-415 PM but please let us know if you need further accommodation!)
  • 760 Little Simcoe St. London ON N5Z 1P4
  • Ages 6+
  • $75 per child (+HST) 

Register online  


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