Montessori Buzz – Sept. 22, 2020
Dear MA Families & Friends,
NEW: Monthly attestation for October must be completed by Sept. 30.
We are requiring parents to complete our COVID attestation form monthly to affirm that you have read and understood our COVID-19 policies and procedures. This attestation needs to be completed before the first of every month.
The ‘Toddler & Casa’ and ‘Elementary & Junior High’ Parent Guides can be found under the Downloads section of your child(ren)’s Classroom Bulletin Board on the MA Parent Portal.
- Login to the portal:
- Select your child’s name at the top left
- Scroll down to Courses
- Click on your child’s classroom – link will take you to the Classroom Bulletin Board
- Link is available under Downloads
Please remember you must complete one attestation per level (Toddler/Casa, Elementary/Junior High), as applicable to your family.
Only one parent per family is required to complete the form(s) for your child(ren).
FYI: The Guides can also be found on the portal under Resources / September Return to School Information and on the school’s website under September Return to School Information page:
Reminder: Please call the school to contact teachers
Now that teachers are all full speed ahead with in-class lessons, we ask you to call the school if you need to contact them (to report student absences, early/late pickup, etc.). Staff and Faculty extensions are listed at the back of your Year at a Glance calendar.
If you call:
- during class time, you will be transferred directly to the classroom’s voicemail
- at lunch or prior to classes starting, we will pass your call along to the classroom extension
- before or after office hours, you can dial the class extension to leave a message
Pick-up and Drop-off reminder: Please avoid blocking or using driveways to turnaround
Friendly reminder to avoid using the schools or our neighbours’ driveways to turn around especially during pick-up and drop-off. Now that we have families waiting outside our locations for their children to be dismissed, it’s important to keep everyone’s safety in mind.
Thank you in advance for helping us be good neighbours and demonstrate the Grace and Courtesy we try to instill in our children.
Board seeking parent members: message on Thursday
Please watch your emails for an upcoming message from the Board of Governors. The board is now in the process of recruiting up to two new members from the school’s parent community. More details about this opportunity to join the school’s Board will be shared in the message on Thursday.
Photos – Upper Elementary affirm their beliefs
Every September we spend time discussing our vision for our classroom community. We host a meeting with the students to share our thoughts about what values and beliefs we wish to hold ourselves accountable. We recognize that every human has emotional needs, such as belonging to a community, to have a sense of power and control, to have freedom to make choices for one’s self and, of course, to have a little fun. These needs can be met while maintaining our core values and beliefs. Our students explore how to have fun, while remaining respectful to their peers, as they learn to emphasize with one another and forgive when a mistake is made. The children create a beautiful art piece to showcase our beliefs at the entrance of our room, to remind us everyday of what we strive to achieve. We teach to “the whole child.” This emotional and social growth is so important and meaningful to our students. This is big work!