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Montessori Buzz – Oct. 10, 2023

Dear MA Families & Friends,

Monthly Extended Hours Reminder

Families who want care for the month of November must register by Sunday, Oct. 15. We cannot guarantee the availability of space if registration is not received by then. Please register online:

Elementary/JH Remembrance Day Assembly

Elementary and Junior High families: please join us for our Remembrance Day Assembly 2023. This assembly is always a beautiful, poignant presentation with performances by many of our students in Years 1 through Junior High.
Students are welcomed to go home straight from the Academy with their parents. Everyone else will be bused back to the school in time for regular dismissal and after-school Extended Hours if necessary.
Elementary & JH parents: Action required – Please let us know your plans in this RSVP Google Form by Friday, October 20, so we can plan for the correct number of buses:

Board of Governors seeks a parent member

Want to help shape the future of our MA-zing school? The board is looking for a parent to apply to become a board member. Areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: Human Resources, Finance, and Fundraising.
Responsibilities of board members:
  • Serve as a member of the Board of Governors for term of 3 years
  • Attend Board meetings which are held approximately 9 times per year
  • Sit on one of the board’s standing committees
  • Provide support to the Executive Director in areas involving their subject-matter expertise
All the details are available on our website: New deadline to apply is Wednesday, Oct. 25.
The board is also looking for 2 community members – people who are not related to the school; if you have anyone in your networks who is looking for a volunteer leadership role, please forward this opportunity to them. TIA!


QDOBA Back to School Dinner

Thank you to everyone who participated in the QDOBA Gives Back dinner last month. 25% of each order during the fundraiser was donated to the school. Thanks to you, QDOBA Beaverbrook donated $312!

Last Week to Buy Boo-Ling Tickets!

There are only 20 tickets left for the 6:40pm Bowling Time, and ONLY 10 Laser Spots left for the 7:40pm game! Ticket sales close in one week – on Tuesday, Oct. 17.  Over 160 people are already going.  Don’t miss out on the first big school event of the year!
Buy your tickets online here:

Junior High Acts of Kindness

By Jovan and Humza
October is the 1000 Acts of Kindness month, and this year Junior High will use this as an opportunity to pay it forward. For this year’s act of kindness, Junior High has taken on the pledge for socks put out by 519 Pursuit ( Our goal for this pledge is to have all the Junior High students bring a combined 519 pairs of socks for the unhoused. Socks are one of the most asked for items yet it is one of the least thought to be donated items.
We encourage you and your Junior High student(s) to buy NEW socks that will be donated to those in need. Thank you.

Phys. Ed Updates

Reminder: Please dress is layers

With the cooler weather here, please wear your gym uniform (t-shirt and shorts) under some layers; although it is cool outside, the gym does get warm. Also, indoor non-marking running shoes are required. If you have any questions, please contact Janet or Dave at 519-433-9121 ext 401.

Cross-Country meet

Thank you to all of our athletes for taking part in the Springbank Run last week. Many of you challenged yourself and did exceptionally well. Congratulations!
Parents, thank you for coming to cheer us on and making this day special for our runners. There were many moments throughout the morning that certainly filled our buckets…. like this one: (Instagram video)

Senior Volleyball

Junior High volleyball starts this week. The girls will play at St. Michael’s on Thursday afternoon at 4pm. The boys begin the volleyball season next Monday, October 16, at St. Michael’s. Good luck to both our teams!

Photos from the week

Casa 1 Phys Ed

Last week, Casa 1 had their first Gym Class. Thanks for the fun, Dave!

Casa 2 Kindness

Kindness and ‘filling people’s buckets’ is our focus this month. An act of kindness in Casa 3 when someone spills the pencil crayons.

Waterloo Casa Video: Perseverance

The perseverance of a 3-year-old:
“The child who concentrates is immensely happy.”
~ Dr. Maria Montessori
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