Parenting Puzzle Workshop Series
Parenting IS the hardest job, and we have some tips to make it easier!
Register online through this Google Form before October 5
We welcome you to join facilitators Tina Sartori and Angela Matthews in The Parenting Puzzle workshop. In this workshop, you will learn how to stop squabbles, resolve conflicts peacefully, encourage each person to do their personal best, reduce power struggles, meet children’s emotional needs, and create strong parenting partnerships. The content will be delivered with videos, required reading, discussions and reflections. There will be five topics covered over a series of seven to eight weeks (pace depends on the group) with a wrap-up social at the end of the workshop.
- Seeing the World from Three Feet Tall
- Why Do They Do What They Do?
- What to Do When You Want to Trade Them In
- If We Can’t Punish or Reward, Then What?
- Parenting on the Same Page
The sessions will take place on Mondays, starting October 15 until November 12 at 4 pm until 5:15 pm on the first floor of the Junior High building. Two resource books, “Redirecting Children’s Behavior,” “How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way”; and a study guide will be provided.
The fee to register is $165 per couple and there are limited spots available. If you would like to sign up, click the link below to complete a Google registration form. You can pay by credit card at the front desk (fee applies) or by cheque made payable to ‘Montessori Academy of London.’ Space is limited; register by October 5.