Montessori Buzz – Jan. 9, 2024
Dear MA Families & Friends,
Sibling applications are due Friday
Applications to MA for siblings of current students for the 2024-2025 School Year are due by this Friday, January 12. We continue to receive a high volume of applications for our Toddler and Casa programs, and would like to provide priority to our current MA families before new admissions are offered in March.
Please login to the MA Parent Portal to apply. Offers of Admission for siblings of current students will be provided shortly after re-enrolment closes in February. Please feel free to contact Victoria with any questions: or 519-433-9121 ext. 211.
Elementary Hot Lunch Registration Open
Elementary hot lunch and milk orders for February 5 – March 8 are available online starting today. The deadline to order is Monday, January 29. After the deadline has passed, the orders will be closed. If you need assistance with ordering, please contact the Main Office before the deadline.
PLEASE NOTE: Most items require you to select different options for the meal, so please read each item carefully and choose only one.
IMPORTANT: Please review your complete balance when you place your orders online at to ensure that everything is paid in full. Payments can be made online, or you can drop into the Main Office to pay by cash, cheque, credit or Apple Pay.
Seeking parent input: Vision Mission and Values refresh
The school is thrilled to be working with Platinum Leadership on refreshing our Vision, Mission and Values. To gather input, we are planning to host one or two parent focus groups on Wednesday, Jan. 31, and share an online survey through the Buzz.
We’ve conducted one focus group so far, and the session took just over one hour.
If you’re interested in joining us for an in-person session, please complete this Google form by January 17.
Moving Up Sessions start this week!
- Moving Up Toddler to Casa – Thursday at 3:45pm
- Moving Up Casa to LE – next Tuesday, Jan. 16, at 3:45pm
- Moving Up UE to JH – Thursday, Jan. 18, at 3:45pm
- Moving Up LE to UE – Tuesday, Jan. 23, at 3:45pm
Our Family Skate Night at Storybook is Feb 1!
Join us for a fun night of skating and socializing on Storybook’s beautiful Skate Trail on February 1 from 6:30-8:30PM. There is a maximum of 175 people so Registration is required. Sign up through this Google Form.
Photos from before the Break….
The Winter Concert!
What a fantastic concert! Congratulations to all the students and staff who put together such an MA-zing performance. Photos from the event can be found in this photo album on the MA Parent Portal:
Waterloo Toddler musical guests
We’re so grateful that a few of the Upper Elementary students came to share their talent with the Toddlers right before the break. What a great holiday treat!
Musical guests in Casa 3
Casa 3 had two talented guest musicians visit us on the Wednesday before the break! Thank you so much to these brothers who graciously shared their musical skills with us!
Waterloo Casa festive practical life activities
There was lots of exciting seasonal work in Casa practical life that sparked the children’s interest in spooning, pouring, tonging and weaving.
LE1 Festive Feast
Our LE students gathered around very long tables to celebrate before the break.
JH skating
Our Junior High students took advantage of the beautiful weather before the break and walked to Victoria Park to go skating.
Go, Trailblazers!
Who loves their Trailblazers merch? Everyone!