Publications, brochures, videos, etc.

View and download PDFs of past publications, including our annual reports, strategic priorities and our marketing brochures…

What We Believe – 50 years of Montessori Academy of London

For the school’s 50th anniversary, Junior High teacher Shawn Butler was tasked with creating a video that encompasses what our school believes fundamentally – and shows the world what we believe education can and should provide our children. The results of his efforts…?

See “What We Believe – 50 years of Montessori Academy of London” for yourself right here…

Strategic Planning and Priorities

Marketing Material – About us

Text-based versions of our publications

Annual Reports

Montessori Matters – our alumni newsletter 


The Poppy Project with Fanshawe College’s School of Design

If you have been following us this week, you’ve likely seen our students working on “poppy paper.” This was a pilot project with Fanshawe College’s School of Design. Their teacher and students came up with sustainable poppy concept and thought it would be a fun project for children to help them learn about Remembrance Day. This year is the 100th anniversary of the Remembrance Day poppy, so it was particularly timely.

Students from Casa through Junior High participated in the Poppy Project. It was packaged as a fun “mission” and the teachers were provided instructions and materials on how to make the poppy-seed paper, which was crafted into wearable paper poppies that could then be planted. The hopes are the seeds in the paper will sprout poppies next year.

This beautiful 2-minute video by JH teacher Shawn walks you through the JH poppy-making process. Take a look….