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Montessori Buzz – Nov. 12, 2024

Dear MA Families and Friends,

PD Day on Friday

Friday is a PD Day – there is no school for our students.

Policy reminder: Winter weather school closure and ‘Delayed Start’ 

Important: Our urgent and time sensitive messages will now be shared via the MA Parent App

School closure due to weather

In the event of severe weather, the school administration will make a decision about closing the school by 7:15 am, if possible. If we decide to close the school, we will send an urgent message through the MA Parent App – with a push notification. If you have not received a notification by 7:25 am, it is safe to assume the school is open. Please ensure you’ve enabled Notifications in the app.

Also, we follow the Thames Valley District School Board – if the public school board closes its administrative offices and all city schools, Montessori Academy will close, too. 

Delayed start

In the case of extremely bad road conditions (ie. due to ice; TVDSB buses to city schools are cancelled), the school leadership may decide on a ‘delayed start’ to the school day. In such instances, there will be no Early Hours program, and school will start at 9:30 a.m. A push notification will be sent to MA families and staff via the MA Parent App by 6:30 a.m. 

These alerts will also appear in the MA Parent App under Notices. We will follow any closure or delayed start with a social media post and update the home page of our school website:  

Enable push notifications in the MA Parent App

To ensure you receive time-sensitive messages, including urgent messages about weather-related school closures or a Delayed Start, enable Notifications under More…/ Settings. See how in this short video: 

MA Parent App tips

Save Photos from Galleries

See a great photo on the App that you want to save? Visit the Galleries section of the MA Parent App. Click and hold on the image you wish to save onto your device.

Reporting technical issues with app features

Please let us know if you’re having issues with the app. However, if you come across any ‘bugs’ that need to be fixed, the developers ask that users send feedback directly through the app under More… / Information / Send technical data.

Budding Artist orders due TODAY!

We have partnered with Budding Artists once again this year to make your child’s masterpieces into beautiful gifts and keepsakes.

Last Friday a special blue envelope was sent home with your child containing your child’s artwork. These special works of art have been scanned by Budding Artists and uploaded to their website ( ) where you can order your child’s art on any of their products.  The items are perfect for gifts and keepsakes. As an added bonus, Budding Artists gives the school 25% of each order which goes towards our fundraising initiatives. 

To order:

  1. Go to 
  2. Enter ART CODE (see the label on your child’s art)
  3. Choose your products
  4. Check out and pay

Orders placed by the end of TODAY will be delivered to the school and sent home with your child before the Winter break. For questions regarding Budding Artists please email Tonya Dendrinos, Fundraising Director, at 

Elementary Lost & Found

Lost items will be placed on tables along the front porch of 719 Waterloo Street on Wednesday and Thursday after school for parents to look through. Anything left over on Friday will be donated.

PJ Day is Friday, Nov. 22!

With the help of the Junior High students, our Montessori community is planning a PJ Day on Friday, Nov. 22, as part of our school’s Charitable Giving commitment to “children helping children.” This year, our school has chosen to support ChildCan. They are a non-profit organization who are strongly committed to enhancing the quality of life of children and families impacted by childhood cancer. They do this by providing parking passes, comfort items, and other things to help make children know they are not alone. On PJ Day, as a school-wide community, we will collect loose change to contribute to ChildCan. 


Reminder: Parent Coffee Hour

We’re hosting two coffee hours by levels. Plan to pop by the Library at our Elementary location after drop-off. Let us know if you’re joining us through the sign-up forms below.   


Photos from the week

Remembrance Day Assembly

Thank you to the students and staff who put together a beautiful Remembrance Day assembly. The ‘Trailblazers Groove,’ composed by our very own UE/JH Music teacher Kristine Musgrove, was played by our percussionists at the assembly, followed by the ‘Last Post.’ Watch the video here: 

Westmount Toddlers practical skills

Friday was a perfect day to rake leaves in the yard!

Casa 1 Dish duty … finally!

When you finally turn 3 and have been waiting to be the dish scrubber!

Casa 3 South America study

Thank you so much to Azalea for visiting our class today and sharing all of your knowledge about Venezuela! We especially loved the Venezuelan snacks!

LE1 – baking 

We love it when our parents stop by! We had a blast baking in LE1 today! Thanks, Linda!

UE 1000 Acts of Kindness

During 1000 Acts Of Kindness month, Upper Elementary collected donations for @londonfoodbank. On Friday the donations were picked up. Thank you to all of the families who supported this Charitable Giving initiative!

Acts of Kindness month recap: Gratitude

The recipients of our community’s kindness were overwhelmed by the generosity of our families. Both Merrymount (Casa) and 519Pursuit (Junior High) shared social media posts about the donations you helped the students collect. Thank you for your kind donations – they mean the world to these wonderful community organizations. 

In fact, Junior High already received an update from 519Pursuit on the weekend about the donations: “Your socks have gone into the community to support Unity Project, Life Spin Free Store and London Cares. This week they will already be making lasting impact. I think the students would love to know their efforts and hard work are helping people this week when it’s so important (the rain we are facing).” ~ Allison, 519Pursuit


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